June 28, 2024
dental implant treatment 

dental implant treatment 

You could be busy in a meeting or could be having a nice time in company of your family and friends. Wherever you are your smile is the key factor that lights up the place. But that smile can be seriously curtailed if a dental issue pops up and you suffer the loss of a tooth or multiple teeth. In such difficult circumstance dental implant treatment is the best solution for you. Unlike almost any other tooth loss solution it helps bringing back your beautiful and confident smile once again.  

A dental implant is basically a post-like structure made of metal. Usually it is made from biocompatible metals like titanium. It is surgically drilled in your jawbone. It is meant to act as a support for an artificial tooth or crown. Since implants are made from biocompatible metals, within a few months of drilling in the implant post fuses with the nearby bones and tissues in your mouth. It is a permanent, life-long solution to the problem of tooth loss. It is a more realistic and convenient alternative of denture. Dentures are removable but implants are not explains a dentist renowned for providing cheap dental implants in Wimbledon over the years. 

Dental implant treatment are a popular procedure in modern dentistry. There are several options available for an implant treatment including the cost and easy finance options. Before signing in for the treatment it is better to assess all the options carefully. This will ensure better value of your hard earned money.

What are the different division of a dental implant?

A dental implant comes with three significant parts or components which are as following.  

  • The first part of a dental implant is the replacement for the root that holds a tooth in place.
  • The next part is an abutment which is nothing but a connector. The abutment connects or links an implant with a crown to provide a complete real-life tooth structure.
  • The third part is the only visible part of an implant. It is the permanent replacement tooth or crown that looks just like your natural tooth.

What are the pre requisites of a successful dental implant treatment?

Right from the beginning when you are aware about what you are paying for you can keep all worries at bay regarding any unexpected additional cost. As far an implant procedure is concerned a face to face consultation is the first step of the process. During this consultation your implant specialist dentist discusses about the procedure so that you do not stay in the dark while undergoing the treatment. The expert also listens to your expectations from the treatment. In addition to that the dentist answers your queries that you may have about it. 

As an initial step toward the treatment a dental x-ray is first taken of your mouth. This x-ray confirms whether you have sufficient bone density in the jaw to support the implant post. Before the actual procedure starts, there is a prophylactic cleaning of the entire mouth including the gums. This makes your oral cavity free from germs. Once these initial steps are done the dentist moves to fitting the implant in your mouth.

What benefits does implant offer

In the opinion of experienced dentists working at the Confidental Dental Clinic  in London, one of the most obvious reasons that makes implants so popular is it is more of a permanent solution to tooth or teeth loss problems. Other alternatives like dentures are not a long term solution. Implant requires minimal care and maintenance. With that minimal care and maintenance, your implanted tooth or teeth can easily last for the rest of your life. Unlike bridges, placing an implant does not involve irreversible damage to the teeth on both sides of an empty socket. An implanted tooth does not only look and feel like a natural tooth. But it also functions like one. 

Moreover unlike bridges and dentures, an implant restores your normal bite force. An implanted tooth does not let your facial shape to sink and change unlike other options of missing teeth problem like dentures and bridges. An implanted tooth or teeth will never have cavities. Unlike dentures there is no embarrassing slippage of an implanted tooth. Moreover it enables your natural speech. 

Approximate cost of dental implant treatment

The cost of dental implant treatment always vary between patients, cases, dentists and practices. It also varies depending on the complexity of a case. if you need more than one implant to fill up the gaps of multiple missing teeth then you have to pay a higher price than someone who has to fill up the gap of just one missing tooth. The best way to find out the cost of your treatment is to discuss the matter with your implant specialist. The dentist will be able to give you a fair idea about the price.

Usually the price of a single implanted tooth stands anywhere between £1,500 and £2,500 explains a dentist who provides cheap dental implants in London. This cost includes all the three vital components of an implant, namely the root replacement, the crown and the abutment which connects the two. 

The other costs that you have to pay for are the x-ray and the cleansing of the overall mouth. The dental x-ray will cost you something around £30. The cleansing will be charged anywhere between £100 and £125. It is relevant mentioning that different types of implants are there. Each type or variety comes with a specific price tag. Therefore depending on the type of implant you select the total treatment cost varies.

Read also: When Do You Need Urgent Dental Care during Emergency

Average cost of mini dental implant treatment

First of all let us discuss in brief what mini dental implant treatment is. A mini dental implant is a version of the implants we have discussed above. If you do not possess sufficient jawbone to support the implant post in that case a mini dental implant is more suitable for you. As the name implies, a mini dental implant is only a tinier version of the standard dental implant. The physical dimension of a mini dental implant ranges between 10 and 15 mm in length and 1.8 to 3.3 mm in diameter. This smaller version of implants is basically a titanium post with a ball at the end. The prosthetic tooth is placed on the ball and supported by it.

Dentists dealing in dental implants near me point out that the average price of a mini dental implant treatment is within the range of £400 and £1,500. This cost is much lesser than that of standard implants. 

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